Time is soup, good soup.
February 11, 2024
Back to homeMy lovely wife and I have an on-going joke about how time constantly is slipping away from us, yet not… “Time is soup.”
It’s hard to put together the pieces of what the last three years have been. It seems like everything has just been a mad rush since June 2020. I can finally feel life slowing down a little bit, finally figuring out how to settle into a new normal pace of life. But at the same time, I find myself constantly thinking – “These last few years have felt like one long fever dream.”

In some ways it has been a whirlwind… Married -> Pandemic -> Job Change -> Moved -> Bought A House -> Moved again… At the very least it’s been a happy whirlwind. Now going on three years settled in with all that life change and I feel like I’m finally starting to find a rhythm and flow again.
More than I have in a long time I’ve been starting to explore new things in the engineering world. Sharpening my tools and re-evaluating the way I work. Is VSCode still the right choice for me? What could I do to make my workflow better? What new languages, foundational principles and skills can I learn? I’ve started rethinking all of it, in order to make myself better.
I am ready to start moving towards the next phase of my professional journey working in tech. I’m still not 100% sure what that is… But we can certainly find out when we get there.